GRETA (2019)

For a long time, I have been concerned about what humanity treats the Earth. Such things as the Great Pacific garbage patch, air and water pollution, and deforestation destroy our environment which is so precious to our lives. Considering this, it doesn’t really matter how much we contribute to climate change (as some scientists argue if we create any influence at all). What is important, is that we need to revise our attitude to ecological problems. This belief became an idea of my new composition for fixed media.

I used passionate speech by Greta Thunberg as starting point (she pronounced it at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23rd). Greta is probably the most discussed child on our planet in 2019. Despite all controversial opinions, she became a symbol of the environmental movement.

“GRETA” also includes fragments of speeches from different years by Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Harrison Ford and Prince Charles. In this music I attempted to recreate my feelings about ecological problems. I intentionally used soundscape elements mixed with artificial sounds, which corrupt initial calm and quiet scenery turning it at some point into a lifeless desert.

Preview photo credit: Kevin Frayer, Getty Images

VV Cephei (2019)

Alexey Logunov’s VV Cephei will be premiered at concert Sacra et Profana. This piece was composed in 2018-2019 as a part of Hammer & Nail collaboration between department of composition and band department in IU Jacobs School of Music. The piece will be performed by IU Concert Band and Jason Nam, its conductor and Assistant Professor in JSoM.

Apophis (2019)

Premiere of Alexey Logunov’s “Apophis” for ensemble became the very first performance of his music in United States. It took place on April 15th 2019 in Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Auer Hall (Bloomington, USA).

Performed by Rebecca Tutunick (flute, piccolo), Carrett Nichols (bass clarinet), William Clark (bass trombone), Neil Clifton Cain (electric guitar), Ryan Chao (percussion), Jennifer Jordan (cello), Kolten Heeren (double bass). Conductor – Tyler James Readinger.


Mikhail Quadri – Piano sonata №1

Mikhail Quadri (1897-1929) – Russian composer, student of Nikolai Myaskovsky. A close friend of Lev Oborin and Dmitri Shostakovich. In 1929 was indicted as «participant of counterrevolutionary conspiracy» and executed. After that his music was erased from musical history almost for 90 years.

Piano sonata №1 was perfomed for the first time after composer’s death by Alexey Logunov in Glinka’s Hall of Saint-Petersburg philharmonic. Concert took place on 26 March 2018 as a part of 2nd international festival “World of Art. Contrasts”.